AS Web Form Portlet AS Web Form Portlet

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Compliance requirements

Note that your participation or invitation may be subject to your employer’s approval. Please secure any such approvals as required by your employer. Any benefits in kind will be taxed on a flat-rate basis at Autostadt GmbH according to Section 37b of the German Income Tax Act (EStG). We will be storing your data to meet our compliance requirements. We shall not divulge your data to third parties except for the purposes of obligatory disclosure during tax audits. Note that Autostadt GmbH has not extended this invitation with the aim of influencing your journalistic independence or otherwise causing a violation of legal regulations in such a way as may be construed as unfair competition practices.

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I accept the above compliance requirements

Declaration of consent

I consent to my data in the above being stored and processed by Autostadt GmbH for documentation of benefits granted.

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I accept the declaration of consent (required)


You are of course free to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future without giving reasons by post to Autostadt GmbH, Stadtbrücke, 38440 Wolfsburg, or e-mail to Re: Widerruf der Einwilligung (revocation of consent). Every notification e-mail also includes an option to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Revocation of consent shall not affect the legitimacy of processing your data on your consent up to revocation. Also note that statutory regulations may require us to continue processing your data even in the event of a revocation. See for details on our privacy policy.

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