Ingo Günther: "World Processor - Field of Globes

Photo: Hannes Wiedemann

Ingo Günther

World Processor - Field of Globes

On entering the Autostadt’s Piazza you immediately become aware of Ingo Günther’s work “Exosphere”. Below this enormous globe there is another one by the German artist: “World Processor – Field of Globes”.

This work consists of about 80 globes attached to aluminium rods, each powered by its own motor. A plate-glass floor makes this installation a walkable work of art.

Ingo Günther has used the globe as the motif for his artistic work since 1989. To date the artist has produced a multitude of globes illustrating mother earth’s condition by providing relevant data. The work “World Processor – Field of Globes” illustrates the diverse problems our global society faces from the political, social, financial, military, technological and ecological perspective.

Each individual globe addresses a particular theme and draws on information the artist has acquired from organisations such as UNO, the OECD, Greenpeace, journalistic archives, statistical annals or from internet data banks. Ingo Günther analyses this information and makes it visible in its global context.

Photo: Mark Henderson

“World Processor – Field of Globes” is a work of art which continually undergoes change and further development. With the availability of new data, globes are updated, new themes added and others replaced.

The artist himself describes his globes as “artistic navigational aids in the intellectual and emotional understanding of our world”.
